Translation & Localization for
the Insurance Industry

From quotes and enrollment, to filing a claim or updating coverages, your limited-English proficient (LEP) policyholders need access to translated insurance information. Using translation services can help your agency provide better service and entice new customers to choose you over a competitor.

In addition to potentially growing your business, translated content can help you comply with the latest ERISA Section 503 requirements, including providing notices in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.

CyraCom can help you with various insurance translation projects, including:

Enrollment Forms Icon

Enrollment forms

Handbooks and Insurance Booklets Icon

Handbooks and insurance booklets

Evidence of Coverage (EOC) Icon

Evidence of Coverage (EOC)

Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC) Icon

Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC)

Summary of Benefits and Explanation of Benefits Icon

Summary of benefits and explanation of benefits

Directories Icon


Formularies Icon


Grievance Appeal Letters Icon

Grievance appeal letters

Our expert linguists can also help you translate and localize marketing materials, including websites, collateral, and ad campaigns.

Choose CyraCom for your Insurance Translation Projects

Full suite of translation services in 300 languages

CyraCom’s linguists can translate various content and materials into hundreds of languages:

• Document Translation
• Desktop Publishing
• Validation
• Video
• E-Learning

• Website & Software
• Localization
• Subtitles
• Closed Captioning
• Voiceover

• Braille
• Large Print
• Transcreation
• 508 Remediation
• Readability

Human translation with a thorough quality assurance process

Vetted, experienced subject matter experts translate your materials, a second linguist edits, and a dedicated project manager performs an overall quality check.

CyraCom Quality Assurance Process Icon

Secure Translation Portal

For most projects, our linguists translate within our password-protected translation portal, reducing common security risks from downloading files onto individual computers.

Long-term savings with translation memory

We use a translation memory database for each client, and incorporate previously translated text into new projects to save you money and keep your materials consistent.

CyraCom Translation Memory Database

ISO-Accredited Operations and Services

We maintain several ISO accreditations, including:

Do you need interpretation services?

In addition to written translation, insurance providers often need interpretation services to communicate with prospective and current policyholders. CyraCom’s trained employee interpreters and large-scale contact centers can help your agents provide excellent customer service and reduce call handle times for:

Price quotes & benefits inquiries
Open Enrollment
Claim or case management
Recorded statements
Auto body & repair shop inquiries
Roadside assistance
Car rental & towing information
Adjuster, appraiser, consultant, or underwriter calls
Appeals & grievances

 Ready to get started? Have questions?